Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership
Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership
With our members and partners, we’re helping shape a mental health sector that meets the needs of all Victorians.
Our vision is for a society where everyone has equitable access to world-class mental health services.
Mental Health Victoria was delighted to host the CEO & Board Member Breakfast Event about the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 in August.
We heard from the Minister for Mental Health, Ingrid Stitt, about the successes of implementing the Act to date and the importance of working together to achieve change.
Facilitated by Chris McDermott, MHV’s Deputy Chair, we had a stimulating panel discussion with thought provoking contributions from:
It was a jam-packed morning celebrating the progress we have made, the genuine and integrous passion we all share for working towards a “No-Wrong-Door” system, and the importance of practicing bravery and leadership on this long and windy road to the change that is system reform.
The digital format of the resources provided on the day are below:
Mental Health Victoria (MHV) is pleased to announce the appointment of Karenza Louis-Smith as its new Chair.
The Victorian State Budget, released on Tuesday, revealed that notwithstanding continued investment in the mental health and wellbeing system, substantial reforms recommended by the Royal Commission have been missed.
Following the 2024/25 Victorian Budget, Mental Health Victoria calls on the Victorian Government to enhance its communication and transparency, and clearly outline its plan to deliver reform of the mental health and wellbeing system to maintain the good faith of the sector and the Victorian community.
Mental Health Victoria is concerned at proposed changes to legislation currently before Parliament to alter the WorkCover scheme in circumstances of workplace mental injury which may create inequities in the support and management available to people with mental injury as opposed to physical injury.
There is often a misconception that the Mental Health Act or soon to be Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (MH&WA) come September 1, is for Area-based Mental Health services only. This is not the case. Particularly as we move toward a Mental Health and Wellbeing system that endeavours to create accessibility to free, local mental health care as soon as Victorians need it, reducing the need for more acute care down the track.
Mental Health Victoria’s policy and advocacy work aims to build a sector that meets the mental health needs of all Victorians.
Receive all the latest MHV news plus key headlines, events and opportunities from across the sector.
Level 6, 136 Exhibition Street,
Melbourne VIC 3000
+61 (3) 9519 7000
ABN: 79 174 342 927
Mental Health Victoria acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as traditional custodians of the land on which it operates. We pay respect to Elders past and present and value the rich history, unbroken culture and ongoing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to country.
Mental Health Victoria acknowledges those people touched directly and indirectly by mental health vulnerabilities, trauma, suicide and neurodiversity, and their families, kin, friends and carers. We acknowledge the ongoing contribution of those people in the mental health sector.
Mental Health Victoria values diversity. We advocate for a safe and inclusive society for all people, regardless of their ethnicity, faith, disability, sexuality, or gender identity, and uphold these values in all we do.
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