Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Submissions and publications

Mental Health Victoria makes regular submissions to government based on consultation with our associates and networks. We also collaborate with partners and stakeholders to publish research and analysis to inform evidence based policy decisions. Use the descriptions below to access these documents in full. To view our annual reports please visit this page.



A Sustainable Future for Mental Health: Submission the Victorian State Budget 2024-2025

Mental Health Victoria is pleased to present our submission to the 2024-2025 Victorian State Budget, A Sustainable Future for Mental Health: Submission to the Victorian State Budget 2024-2025. We look forward to working collaboratively and productively with government and continuing our strong relationship and shared commitment to realising improved mental health and wellbeing in Victoria.


The First 100 Days: One Year Later

In 2022, Mental Health Victoria presented the State Government with our report: First 100 Days - Mental Health Sector Brief to an Incoming Victorian Government. A year later and with a new Minister for Mental Health, MHV has reviewed and revised our previous report to reflect the current priorities of the sector and reflect on our advice to the Minister and the Department for the future.


Mental Health Month - A Year in Review:  2023 Timeline for sharing

It’s Mental Health Month, and next Tuesday 10th October, we recognise World Mental Health Day, and call attention to this year’s theme ‘Mental Health is a Universal Human Right’ (World Mental Health Day Official). This year and every year, Mental Health Victoria acknowledges the lived and living experiences of those impacted by mental illness – the consumers and carers – and those working in the field, raising awareness, having courageous conversations, and advocating for improved mental health and wellbeing for all.


Submission on the Draft National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy 

The Draft Strategy provides a systemic approach to reducing stigma and discrimination, and provides the foundation to support the changes needed across community, workplace and service settings, including the mental health and wellbeing system itself. To strengthen the Strategy, Mental Health Victoria have proposed a number of recommendations to ensure the Strategy's vision is achieved and supported. 


Strategy, Stability, Support: Mental Health Victoria's submission to the Victorian State Budget 2023/24 

Mental Health Victoria presents to government a suite of 30 budget recommendations and initiatives. MHV’s budget recommendations to government are based on several months of widespread and detailed sector consultation, and analysis of emerging data and trends.


The First 100 Days: Mental health sector briefing to an incoming Victorian Government

This document, created after extensive consultation with the Victorian mental health and wellbeing sector throughout September and October 2022, serves as a guide to an incoming Victorian State Government for its first 100 days in office to strengthen the strategic approach to mental health reform, strategy, and investment throughout the next term of government.


The Human Rights Roadmap: 40 ways to operationalise human rights in Victoria's mental health and wellbeing system

Joint report with the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law


Submission on the Draft Victorian Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy

Joint submission by Suicide Prevention Australia, Mental Health Victoria and On the Line


Submission on Proposed OHS Amendment (Psychological Health) Regulations

MHV welcomes the development of legislative regulations to address psychological health in the workplace and to prevent, reduce and manage potential psychosocial hazards and mental injuries.


Briefing: Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing workforce strategy 2021–2024

This briefing paper summarises the Strategy's key priorities and action areas for the future of the mental health and wellbeing workforce. It also provides a non-exhaustive snapshot of some key, immediately visible implementation challenges and discussion points. Read more


Draft National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations

MHV broadly supports the overall vision of the Draft National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations. We have recommended several suggestions to strengthen the quality and safety of mental health and wellbeing services and ultimately put consumers, carers, families and supporters at the centre.




Federal Pre-Budget Submission

The 2022/23 federal budget must both maintain and exceed the momentum set by the previous budget. The federal government must anticipate and respond to an escalating mental health and social and emotional wellbeing crisis across Australia. Read more


Supporting Recovery, Strengthening Reform: Mental Health Victoria’s Submission to the Victorian State Budget 2022/23

Mental Health Victoria presents to government a suite of 22 high-impact, scalable, pragmatic, evidence-informed and sector-supported initiatives, where the impact of government investment can be realised, in part or in full, within the 2022/23 budget cycle. MHV’s advice to government is based on widespread and detailed sector consultation, and analysis of emerging data and trends. Read more


Partnering for change: Towards a new community model for mental health — symposium summary

Mental Health Victoria recently hosted a two-day symposium to help the sector through this historic time. 'Partnering for Change' brought together over 200 consumers, carers, families, friends and supporters, service providers, peak and professional bodies and government representatives. Attendees heard from sector leaders and people with lived experience, they shared knowledge and explored what the new community-based model of care could look like in Victoria. Read more


Feedback regarding the Local Mental Health and Wellbeing Services (Local Services)

This letter to Katherine Whetton, Deputy Secretary Mental Health and Wellbeing Division at DoH, contains advice on the essential elements that must be included in the planning and design of the service model for the Local Services. This advice is based on feedback from consultations with MHV’s Lived Experience Advisory Group, member organisations and the Service Reform Advisory Network. Read more


Submission on the Draft National Mental Health Workforce Strategy

MHV broadly supports the Strategy’s overall vision and objectives. However, we have concerns about several gaps in the Strategy. We propose the Taskforce addresses these gaps before the final report is presented to the Australian Government. To achieve the Strategy’s vision for Australia’s mental health workforce, MHV has put forward a number of recommendations. Read more


Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS on the NDIS Workforce Plan

The NDIS psychosocial workforce is distinct. This workforce should be supported to develop the specific capabilities which allow for the delivery of safe and effective services to people with psychosocial disability in the NDIS. This includes an understanding of mental illness and its impacts in the social context. To attract and develop these capabilities, the NDIS Workforce Plan must ensure that the psychosocial workforce, including the essential contribution of people who use their lived experience in this work, is remunerated and supported accordingly. Read more


LGBTIQ+ Mental health and the promise of reform: Webinar outcomes paper

Marina Carman, Director of Rainbow Health Victoria, painted a sobering picture on the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ Victorians. Larissa Taylor of Mental Health Victoria outlined the opportunities presented by the current reform landscape to improve LGBTIQ+ mental health, while acknowledging the need for further work to capitalise on these opportunities to ensure LGBTIQ+ communities don’t get left behind.Finally, Jackson Fairchild from Rainbow Health Victoria spoke with a panel of experts who shared their insights. Four themes were identified as key pillars for a safe and inclusive mental health sector for LGBTIQ+ people. Read more


Response to the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act Update and Engagement Paper

Mental Health Victoria has welcomed many of the Department of Health’s proposals for legislative reform, while recommending a range of changes and further improvements. We recognise that, while legislation alone will not achieve changes in practices, a new Act is necessary to provide the foundation for a mental health and wellbeing system grounded in respect for human rights and dignity. Read more


Submission to SkillsIQ, who have been tasked with undertaking a review of three Certificate qualifications that are relevant to disability and aged care support

The need for a robust and skilled disability workforce is only increasing with time. The Certificate III Individual Support and Certificate IV Disability must draw from existing work, including in recovery-oriented, trauma-informed and self-determined practice, to ensure this workforce has adequate entry-level skills to better meet the needs of people with psychosocial and dual disabilities. Read more


Preparing for reform: Co-production, culture change and leadership — Symposium summary

This summary features the key messages emerging from our 'Preparing for Reform' Symposium on 29 June 2021. It highlights commentary from the Symposium’s speakers and panellists as they reflected on the foundations for reform and change. Read more


Submission to the Australian Commission on Quality and Safety in Healthcare on the National Safety and Quality Mental Health Standards for Community Managed Organisations

At this critical time for mental health reform, MHV urges the ACSQHC to seize the opportunity to develop safety and quality standards that unify all organisations and workforces delivering mental healthcare and support in the community. The standards should be based in recovery-oriented principles, improve mental health and wellbeing and uphold the rights of the people around which the mental health system is being reformed. Read more


Royal Commission Final Report Summary

Our Summary supports the ongoing conversation around building a shared vision of what the reformed system will look like, and provides an honest account of the sector’s hopes and concerns. It identifies key opportunities and challenges, highlights responses from key bodies across the sector, and looks to immediate next steps. Read more


Royal Commission Timeline

A timeline of the reform implementation process drawn from the Royal Commission Final Report, Volume 5, Transforming the system — innovation and implementation. Read more


2021–22 Victorian State Budget Summary

Our Summary captures all the key measures from this budget's bumper mental health investment. This was the first investment in a 10-year blueprint to implement all the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Read more


2021–22 Federal Budget Summary

Our summary of all the key mental health measures from the Federal Budget. Mental Health Victoria CEO Angus Clelland described the Budget as the “start of a long-overdue generational shift in mental health and suicide prevention investment”. Read more


National Disability Employment Strategy – Mental Health Victoria’s response to the consultation paper

The Strategy presents a considerable opportunity for people with psychosocial disability to better access the social, financial, and overall quality of life outcomes that gainful employment offers. Addressing the particular needs of people with psychosocial disability is critical because, despite having some of the lowest rates of employment when compared with other disability types, we know that when provided with the right supports people with psychosocial disability have very good employment prospects. Read more


Putting It All Together Symposium Summary

This summary features the key messages emerging across both days of our March 2021 Symposium. It highlights commentary from the Symposium’s esteemed speakers and panellists as they reflected on the key developments in mental health and suicide prevention reform. Read more


Submission to the Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS in relation to independent assessments

MHV supports assessment processes that provide a clear and uncomplicated pathway to services and respect the needs and goals of participants and their supporters. The independent assessment model proposed by the NDIS will have serious negative implications for people with serious mental illness and an urgent review is needed. Read more


Response to the 10-Year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy

Housing, mental health and homelessness are intrinsically linked. That's why Mental Health Victoria has recommended the 10-Year Social and Affordable Housing Strategy be developed with a specific priority on mental health and wellbeing. Read more


Submission on proposed duty of candour laws

Duty of candour laws have the potential to do much to help people recover following traumatic experiences of care, and rebuild trust between consumers, carers and service providers. However, application of proposed laws requires careful consideration to ensure they can operate as intended in mental health settings. Read more


Response to the House Select Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

The recommendations from various state and national mental health reports and strategies will be critical in building a national mental health system that can respond to situations of both individual and communal crisis. Mental Health Victoria has urged the Australian Government to finalise a single, long-term, whole-of-government implementation and budgetary plan for national mental health reform in 2021 that combines these recommendations. Read more


Response to the Aged Care Royal Commission’s final report

Mental Health Victoria was pleased to see the Final Report of the Aged Care Royal Commission includes dozens of recommendations relating to mental health and wellbeing. After such a comprehensive inquiry and such confronting findings around the care and treatment of older Australians, urgent investment and implementation is now required to not only save lives, but to improve the quality of life, wellbeing and dignity, of all older people. Read more


Submission to the NDIS on access and eligibility

We support the introduction of policies that promote a clear and uncomplicated pathway to the NDIS and its supports at no cost to participants. We have recommended some measures to improve the safety and effectiveness of these policies for people with psychosocial disability. Read more


Feedback on the Victorian Government's LGBTIQ+ Strategy Directions Paper

The Directions Paper’s vision aligns with aspects of MHV’s submission, and we welcome the Victorian Government’s commitment to improving the lives of LGBTIQ+ peopleWhile we support aspects of the Directions Paper, we are concerned about some missed opportunities regarding mental health. Read more


2021 Federal Budget Submission

As the Final Report of the Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Mental Health has shown, investing in mental health is a cost-effective way of supporting the Australian economy. Now more than ever, the nation needs better investment in mental health to assist the recovery of our wellbeing and economy. Read more


Feedback on the draft of the National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

MHV commends the authors of the Strategy for presenting a well-timed, holistic and integrated vision to drive changes to improve Australian children’s wellbeing. While the Strategy provides a solid starting point to progress its vision, we recommend that more detailed planning and co-designed coordinated action be undertaken. Read more


Productivity Commission Inquiry Report on Mental Health: Mental Health Victoria and the Victorian Healthcare Association’s joint survey response

The Productivity Commission report presents a singularly comprehensive and holistic vision of reform which is vital to turning the fragmented, broken mental health system which we currently have into a cohesive, unified system that can provide for the mental health needs of all Australians. Read more


From Vision to Reality: A guide for the successful implementation of recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s mental health system

This guide outlines how implementation of the recommendations could be managed by the Victorian Government to ensure that reforms are implemented as intended. Read more


MHV submissions and publications archive


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