Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

Collaboration • Knowledge • Leadership

The RECI Project workforce development and training needs analysis

As part of the Working For Victoria initiative Mental Health Victoria has been funded by the Jobs Victoria to conduct a training needs analysis and map service workforces across the Victoria non-clinical mental health system.

About the project 

The RECI Project will help fill the gaps in mental health training.

Mental Health Victoria has received funding to conduct a training needs analysis and map service workforces across the Victorian non-clinical mental health system.

As part of its Research, Engagement, Collaboration, and Information (RECI) Project, MHV will examine what skills and knowledge exist across the sector, then identify and fill any gaps in the available professional development opportunities.

The project, funded under the Working For Victoria initiative, will utilise research and information gathering, system improvements and stakeholder engagement to design training opportunities that meet targeted needs or identified gaps in the sector.

Please click here to be directed to the survey and register for the virtual forum scheduled for late March and across April. 

Please contact Ebony Sharma or Stephanie Caroll for further details about this project.


The RECI Project vision is:


For Mental Health Victoria to be evidence-based, innovative, agile, and fluent in providing training and professional development that addresses gaps in knowledge and skills.

High-performing Workforce

Provide specialised training for mental health professionals, cross-sector organisations and the broader community that will enhance expertise and achieve better outcomes for those experiencing mental health.

Engage & Excite

Collaborate with our members and their staff, consumers, and communities to engage and spark an awareness with sectors that are currently not accessing mental health training.

Community Resilience

Build capacity and capability to respond to and improve mental health care in Victoria.


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