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15 December 2021
We are delighted to announce the release of our Semester One 2022 training calendar. Pleasingly, it marks the return of face to face learning at Mental Health Victoria.
06 December 2021
Mental Health Victoria is pleased to release its budget submission for 2022/2023 Victorian Government expenditure on mental health. 
28 November 2021
Today we are proud to share with you our 2020-21 Annual Report which outlines our work and achievements across the course of the year.
04 November 2021
We're excited to announce the first round of speakers and launch the program for Learning from Adversity: Bushfires, COVID and the lessons for mental health reform.
21 October 2021

We are delighted to announce the outcome of the 2021 Mental Health Victoria Board Ballot. We wish to congratulate Lee-Anne Carter and Christopher McDermott for being elected.

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