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Victoria leads way on mental health reform

22 November 2020
Despite all the state has experienced this year with COVID-19, the Victorian Government is looking to mental health reforms that should see the state become a national and international leader in i...

MHV summarises key mental health and suicide prevention reports

18 November 2020
Mental Health Victoria has produced summaries of the Productivity Commission's final report into its Inquiry into Mental Health, and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser Interim Advice, both rel...
Pink block with white links of Mental Health Victoria logo

Key reports put national mental health reform on the agenda

16 November 2020
Mental Health Victoria welcomes the release of two key national reports: the final report of the Productivity Commission's Inquiry into Mental Health, and the Interim Advice of National Suicid...

Major mental health investment a critical step towards large-scale system reform

12 November 2020
Mental Health Victoria welcomes the $868 million in additional mental health investment announced today by the Victorian Government, which will ensure the state can implement the interim recommenda...
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MHV welcomes $235m Recovery Workforce investment

11 November 2020

Mental Health Victoria welcomes the $235 million investment from the Victorian Government in the state’s Recovery Workforce which will create 500 new jobs across mental health, family violence, health and child protection.

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