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Draft program, first speakers announced for "Our Reform"

Aug, 2022

We are pleased to make our first speaker announcement for Our Reform: A progress report on the effectiveness of mental health and wellbeing reform from the people who use the system.

Associate Professor Melissa Castan is Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, and Associate Dean (Staffing) in the Law Faculty at Monash University.

Professor the Honourable Kevin Bell AM QC is a Commissioner for the Yoorrook Justice Commission and was a Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria for 15 years. 

They will join MHV Senior Legal Policy Advisor Joshua Finn for a session exploring human rights as a key plank of mental health reform.

The session willl include the launch of the joint Castan Centre/MHV report "The Human Rights Roadmap: 40 ways to operationalise human rights in Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system".

Tickets are selling fast

Thank you to the dozens of organisations from across the Victorian mental health sector who have already secured their tickets. We’re expecting this to be a sell-out event, so we strongly encourage all interested to book their tickets soon.

Please note a significant allocation of tickets are being made available for free to consumers, carers, family members, kin and workforce via VMIAC and Tandem. Further details, including how to express interest, will be announced soon.

Draft program available now

We're excited to announce also that the draft conference program is now available. Program highlights include:

  • Sessions on lived and living experience, social and emotional wellbeing, and the mental health workforce
  • A day-long youth-focused creative session
  • A spotlight on the Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing

We’ll be releasing more speaker names as we lead up to this landmark event, with expert speakers and panellists from across the sector, including from Lived and Living Experience. Keep an eye out for updates and buy your ticket today to secure your place.

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