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Natural Disasters & Events

In an emergency, Victorians affected by floods, storms or bushfires can contact Emergency Recovery Victoria on 1800 560 760. For detailed information on what to do to before, during and after a natural disater, please refer to the relevant Emergency Recovery Victoria pages below:

To help support the communities we work with, we have collated a number of resources for those who are preparing for or recovering from a natural disaster or event. MHV is not an emergency response organisation or service provider and should you or someone you know be in immediate danger, please call 000 immediately.

If you or someone you know need additional support during a natural disaster or event, you can connect with one of the following help seeking services:

Suicide call back service


For Mental Health Service Providers

The Australian Centre for Post-Traumatic Mental Health (The Phoenix Centre) has a suite of resources and training for professionals working with communities who may suffer from or are recovering from natural disasters.

To access the available training and resources, go to:

Additional Support Services

Additonal support services and resources available can be found below:

Want to know what to pack in an emergency response box? View the easy-to-use packing list.

Recovery Connect brings together services and supports from charities, organisations and government directly to you.

A suite of resources to assist with preparing for natural disasters, including emergency plan, phone app and suvival kit checklists

We serve and protect communities across Melbourne and Victoria’s major regional centres.

Provides wildlife rescue services across Victoria.

Phone: 03 8400 7300

For those who require translation or interpretation services.

Phone: 131 450

Government department responsible for developing and support Victoria’s Emergency Response.

During significant natural disasters and events, your local ABC radio will broadcast updates and information.

Includes information on electricity and gas safety advice during fires and incidents.

Phone: 1800 800 158

Floods, severe storms, earthquakes, road accident rescue, search and rescue and other emergency support.

Weather and Warnings

Warnings, incidents and planned burns are all displayed on the VicEmergency website - the single location for all emergency information in Victoria.

Find your local council or information about Victoria's 79 councils.

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